IKV Kahless' Revenge - Lost but NOT forgotten
By: Thought Admiral Kethas epetai-Rustadzh
It was a Sunday night call from Col. Rustadzh. Calling to say "I'm coming home." I chit chatted with him
about how he was, when he was coming home, and asked him who would take over the chapter upon his return...
Col. Rustadzh didn't respond right away. "What's wrong?" I asked him, and he responded with "They're gone..."
At first I didn't know what to say, not that there was anything I could say. Being a combat veteran myself,
I understood. When you lose those close to you, you get rather disassociative to others around you.
There isn't anything that can be said at that point. Just an emptiness, and feeling of guilt.
The call was rather quiet after that point, and we talked about when he was coming home. Col. Rustadzh was
late in coming home, something having to do with orders and outprocessing. But the next week he came home,
safe and sound. There was a small article on his experiences and how glad he was to be home in a local paper.
He didn't feel much like talking, which is understandable.
The healing process is a rather long one, and it's not an easy road for anyone to travel.
Col. Rustadzh is not yet ready to talk, and we have to contact the families before we release the names of those lost.
The healing process will take some time, but as soon as he's ready, Col. Rustadzh will speak on the
loss of his 6 comrades.
The important thing here is to remember the IKV Kahless' Revenge, and those that served have passed.
I have nicknames as they were how they were best known to us, and this is how we shall remember them.
To: Matt, Moe, Froggie, Dan, Curly, and Kerouak; You will be remembered with Honor.
Go with Glory my friends... Go with Glory.
You can leave your thoughts atnd prayers at the IKV Kahless' Revenge Memoriam site: